According to Classical Chinese Medicine, which is based on Daoist philosophy, life challenges fall into nine different categories called the Nine Palaces. We incarnate, by choice, to experience a thing, a challenge, a struggle within these Nine Palaces. These areas of life easily trigger us.
We are compelled to seek a sense of completion in these palaces in order to feel whole and at peace with ourselves in this lifetime. If at the end of life, any of these palaces remain incomplete, this creates the agenda for our next incarnation.
Wealth / Abundance
Relationship / Love
Adventure + Travel
Knowledge / Vocation
Our own perception sets the energy for feeling complete in any one of these area of life.
Health and Wealth / Abundance
If you’re challenged by health issues or focus a lot on your health, then you likely are incomplete in the Health Palace. Similarly, if you feel as though what you have financially is not enough or is incomplete, it leads to issues around feeling at peace within the Wealth Palace.
Prosperity and Relationship / Love
Prosperity is the idea of having a sense of enough abundance that you can freely share it with others. Prosperity is a sense of abundance of any kind of resource that you’re willing to share with others.
The Relationship Palace needs attention if you’re struggling with any relationship in your life, if you cannot find the right person, or if you attract people who are unavailable.
Children / Creativity
Out of relationships come children, so Children and the Creativity Palace share a common theme - the ability to create and birth what you hold in your heart. This palace needs attention when you feel like you lack a sense of meaning.
Once you establish your creativity, you can develop your Career Palace. If you feel blocked in your career, uninspired in the work that you’re doing, or switch professions but still can’t find what you’re meant to do, focus on your Career Palace.
Adventure + Travel
This palace relates to a need to explore and see the world. You may feel either stuck at home and afraid to go out or nomadic and cannot stop traveling. Often when this palace needs attention, you do not feel the need to be grounded or the need to open your mind to ways of being that are unfamiliar. In this palace, you learn that your way is not the only way.
Knowledge / Wisdom
Most of us are in this palace, to some degree. This palace is where you begin to understand what your capabilities are and are not, what can be changed and what cannot be altered. Fulfillment in this palace provides deep acceptance of what is, wanting only what is happening in the present moment.
The final palace is the Home Palace. It brings a sense of belonging, no matter where you are. It is a sense of peace within yourself.
What if the awareness of these nine palaces could provide us the space to manage our energy?